The international legal status of (a) Taiwan territory and the (b) Republic of China on Taiwan are enigmas that have puzzled legal researchers for many decades. In fact, a firm grasp of certain little-known legal fundamentals is necessary in order to delve into the solutions to such matters. This website provides comprehensive analysis and commentary which fully illustrate the complexities involved.
It is easy to find much incorrect data about Taiwan when browsing the internet. The purpose of this website is to enable members of the public to learn the true story regarding Taiwan's history and legal status.
Hopefully, government officials, think-tank scholars, and other researchers will also review the information presented in our webpages. Our Editors' hope is that in this way, everyone can become further enlightened.
Methods for "normalization" of Taiwan's current legal status can then be discussed in an intelligent manner, and all persons, whether living in Taiwan or elsewhere, will benefit.